One a terrorist attack, the other a natural disaster. We mark the Sept. 11The answer to the above question is HELL YEAH! Disasters, terrorist attacks, crime (when it happens to us) even accidents can all cause our confidence to waver.
anniversary in the midst of a recovery from Hurricane Katrina. Four years ago, a
shocked nation united and its leaders vowed to protect its citizens. Today, the
government's slow response to Katrina is under fire. Has your confidence been
Here is a survey question that follows the head-line;
In the weeks after Sept. 11, the president's approval ratings surged past
90 percent. But critics have come down hard on the Bush administration's slow
response to the disaster that followed Hurricane Katrina.News Analysis:Leader Who Rose in 9/11 Slips
This is border line absurd, don't you think. This blame game that everyone from the city officials to the DC bureaucrats are playing goes to prove that they will use any crisis, no matter how tragic, to smear their opponent. We will most definitely look back and see where certain things could have been done differently, for instance;
- when did the LA state government issue its request for federal help, was it timely or did their lack of planning play a roll?
- Did the mayor of New Orleans tell the poor people that that they would be on their own in case of flooding? Someone chose not to let the buses roll. That decision was made in the city, by the city.
- For those that could have gotten out but chose to stay; I'm confident if they had know the extent of this storm they would have made a greater effort to get out.
- Who controls those levies surrounding New Orleans? Has proper maintenance been done, was this just too much of a storm or lack of planning?
- Where were the first responders? In the hurricane perhaps, fighting for survival like many others.
- Since they compared it to (9-11), Do you think that Bin Laden and Al-quieda could have planned such an attack in 9 months?
- Were these people a threat known to the USA prior to 2000?
- Did President Clinton, while in office, demand the release of one of the hijackers from an Israeli prison (even though the Israelis had a policy of not releasing anyone with blood on their hands) to appease the Palestinians?
- Did we have Bin Laden in the '90's and chose to let him go?
No doubt, hind sight is 20/20. I have heard it said, "how could George Bush in 9 months do what Bill Clinton couldn't do in 8 years". But I don't blame Clinton for what happen on 9-11.
The levies surrounding New Orleans, has never broke the way they did with Katrina. I don't blame the engineers.
Prior to a catastrophe, our plans seem to be working. But in reality, we never really know what tomorrow holds, do we?
Here are a few things, if known, would probably have been done differently;
- Adam and Eve eating the fruit
- letting Hitler reign
- our Civil War
- Viet Nam
- News media with an agenda
It is very difficult to predict nature and evil humans.
In my experiences, the people that are slinging mud and blame, most of the time, have something to hide themselves.