Sunday, July 31, 2005

The following are excerpts from a speech by Iranian President-Elect Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, which aired on Iranian Channel 1 on July 25, 2005. ( Transcript )

Ahmadi-Nejad: We want art that is on the offensive. Art on the offensive exalts
and defends the noble principles, and attacks principles that are corrupt,
vulgar, ungodly, and inhuman.
Art reaches perfection when it portrays the
best life and best death. After all, art tells you how to live. That is the
essence of art. Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more
eternal than the art of martyrdom? A nation with martyrdom knows no captivity.
Those who wish to undermine this principle undermine the foundations of our
independence and national security. They undermine the foundation of our
The message of the (Islamic) Revolution is global, and is not
restricted to a specific place or time. It is a human message, and it will move
Have no doubt... Allah willing, Islam will conquer what? It will
conquer all the mountain tops of the world.
And we're suppose to just let him have a nuclear bomb? The same man who the US just concluded was a leader of the movement behind the 1979 hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran is preaching the virtues of martyrdom.
This is Radical Islam. This is what we are fighting. This is evil.
This quote an text was found at

Friday, July 29, 2005

This kinda puts things in perspective, huh? Andy Rooney
DID YOU KNOW? As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view ... it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments! DID YOU KNOW? As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door DID YOU KNOW? As you sit inside the courtroom, you can see the wall, right above where the Supreme Court judges sit, a display of the Ten Commandments! DID YOU KNOW? There are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington, D.C. DID YOU KNOW? James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement: "We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." DID YOU KNOW? Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our country said: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ". Did YOU KNOW? Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a paid preacher, whose salary has been paid by the taxpayer since 1777. DID YOU KNOW? Fifty-two of the 55 founders of the Constitution were members of the established orthodox churches in the colonies. DID YOU KNOW? Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority>and instead of interpreting the law would begin making law . an oligarchy . the rule of few over many. DID YOU KNOW? The very first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said: "Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers." How, then, have we gotten to the point that everything we have done for 220 years in this country is now suddenly wrong and unconstitutional? Lets put it around the world and let the world see and remember what this great country was built on. Chamber, US House of Representatives I was asked to send this on if I agreed or delete if I didn't. Now it is your turn... It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, it is very hard to understand why there is such a mess about having the Ten Commandments on display or "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Property owners rights, or the Lack there of:

If I am a little smarter than you are when it comes to investing in the stock market, I wonder if I could talk the supreme court into letting me have your money and your assets since I could probably make more money, hence pay more taxes than you will. Hum?
I enjoyed reading It Takes a Village of Property Owners this morning. I found it at realclearpolitics. I hope you enjoy it too. Its amazing who you find fighting along side of you on some issues.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

John Roberts; President Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Following is a short bio and a few exerpts from Deb Riechmann at the AP

Age: 50, born in Buffalo, N.Y. Education: Harvard Law School graduate Latest Post:· Served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since June 2003 Experience:· Served as deputy solicitor general during former President Bush's term· Argued dozens of cases before the high
court. Roberts' nomination to the appellate court attracted support from both sides of the ideological spectrum. Some 126 members of the District of Columbia Bar, including officials of the Clinton administration, signed a letter urging his confirmation. The letter said Roberts was one of the ''very best and most highly respected appellate lawyers in the nation'' and that his reputation as a ''brilliant writer and oral advocate'' was well deserved. Advocacy groups on the right say that Roberts, a native of Buffalo, N.Y., who graduated with honors from Harvard Law School in 1979, is a bright judge with strong conservative credentials he burnished in the administrations of former Presidents Bush and Reagan. While he has been a federal judge for just a little more than two years, legal experts say that whatever experience he lacks on the bench is offset by his many years arguing cases before the Supreme Court. Liberal groups, however, say Roberts has taken positions in cases involving free speech and religious liberty that endanger those rights. Abortion rights groups allege that Roberts, while deputy solicitor general during former Bush's administration, was hostile to women's reproductive freedom and cite a brief he co-wrote in 1990 that suggested the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 high court decision on abortion. Let the games begin.
Check out this story on
Rove RageThe poverty of our current scandal. By Christopher HitchensPosted Monday, July 18, 2005, at 1:10 PM

It's a great article on the Wilson lies that go unpublished in all the MSM papers.

Monday, July 18, 2005

...more on the Wilson/Rove/Plame/Novak saga. I love this analogy by Michael Barome;

July 18, 2005Our Titus OatesBy Michael Barone
Titus Oates was once a name every schoolboy knew. Oates was the disgraced Church of England clergyman who, in 1678 and 1679, accused various English Catholics of a "popish plot" to assassinate King Charles II and take control of the government of England.
On the basis of the testimony of Oates and a few other similar characters, more than a dozen Catholics were found guilty and executed. Priests were arrested and held indefinitely, and Catholics were excluded from Parliament.
Then, as the trials went on, it became clear that Oates' detailed charges were all lies. His name became a synonym for liar. Lord Justice Scroggs, who had sentenced several of Oates' targets to death, turned on him: "I wonder at your impudence that you dare to look a court of justice in the face, after having been made to appear so notorious a villain."
Joseph Wilson is our latest Titus Oates. Wilson is the former diplomat who traveled to Niger to check out whether Saddam Hussein's Iraq was trying to buy nuclear materials there and who wrote an article for The New York Times in July 2003 asserting that he had found there were no grounds for believing that.
A few days later, columnist Robert Novak reported that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA official who had helped send him on this mission. That sparked an outcry that someone in the government had blown Plame's cover as a covert agent in violation of a 1982 law.
A special prosecutor was appointed to investigate. In September 2003, Wilson said, "It's of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs." He wrote a book called "The Politics of Truth," which got rave reviews from the mainstream press, and he became a foreign policy adviser to John Kerry's campaign.
But Wilson, like Oates, lied. His Times article said he had been sent by the CIA at the request of Vice President Dick Cheney. But Cheney denies he made any such request, and former CIA Director George Tenet said the trip was initiated inside the agency.
Wilson's article said George W. Bush lied in his 2003 State of the Union Address when he said that British intelligence reported that Iraq had sought to buy uranium in Africa. But Wilson's mission covered only one country, and the British government has stood by its report.
Moreover, the report that Wilson sent the CIA said that Iraq had sought to buy uranium in Niger in 1998, unsuccessfully; agency analysts concluded, not unreasonably, that this strengthened rather than weakened the case against Saddam.
Wilson denied repeatedly that his wife had played any part in his assignment to Niger. But the Senate Intelligence Committee, in a report subscribed to by members of both parties, said she had suggested his name.
Titus Oates' charges were embraced by some of the leading politicians of his time. The Earl of Shaftesbury, a former minister of the king and proprietor of the Carolina colony, endorsed his charges and encouraged demonstrations in London on his behalf. Shaftesbury, an advocate of (by our standards, limited) religious tolerance, is a sympathetic figure to many, but he was also by his embrace of Oates an accomplice in judicial murder.
Since 2003, many Democrats have embraced Joseph Wilson -- just last week, Sen. Charles Schumer stood up with him at a press conference and demanded that Karl Rove's security clearance be suspended.
The Democrats who were so outraged by Plame's outing have not, to my knowledge, expressed outrage over The New York Times' May 31 story outing a CIA-run airline, a story that may have put agents in more danger than Plame faced as a result of hers. Many Democrats have uncritically assumed that whoever leaked Plame's name violated the 1982 statute, although it requires that the person doing so must have known about the agent's covert status and have named the agent deliberately to endanger her, and that the person named must have served abroad in the previous five years.
Plame, according to Wilson's book, returned from serving abroad in 1997 and, since then, was a desk officer in CIA headquarters in Langley, entering and leaving the building every day in public view.
Shaftesbury's championing of Titus Oates had grave consequences: He was confined for a time in the Tower of London and later fled to Amsterdam, where he died in exile.
Schumer's and other Democrats' championing of Joseph Wilson will not have such dire consequences. But voters may want to hold them accountable for allying themselves with today's Titus Oates.
© Copyright 2005 Creators Syndicate

I hope that whoever reads my blog gets a clear understanding of how I feel about politics and can see where I stand.I stand for right, I stand for fairness, I stand for truth and I stand for the United States of America the way our fore fathers intended it to be. Does that mean
that it is or ever has been or can ever be a perfect country? NO? It certainly does not mean that I am the latter either. It lies with what you strive to be and where you desire to go.
For those of us who were alive in the eighties
and still alive today, how fortunate that we have been witnesses to two of the greatest presidents in the history of our young country.
Ronald Reagan & George W. Bush
Men that did not allow difficult situations and trying times
to define them, but rather by their actions and resolve defined their times and will leave , forever, a lasting and unforgettable mark in history.
Whether communism, terrorism or who knows what wolf will be at the door next, one thing is certain and you can mark this down, it will only be conquered and overcome by a leader that can lead this country with a resolve and courage that is founded, not on mere human strength, political charisma or polished diplomatic rhetoric, but in rock solid spirit and a time tested truth. It is bigger than us all.
Reverence for it is demanded, belief in it is begged and following it is a
choice. Thank God for those leaders that have made that choice and live by it.
It is the only time tested formula and victory is ours.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Victor Davis Hanson quote from interview with Hugh Hewitt.

I like this quote; it says what many of us think. And what we would like politicians to say if they could shed that diplomatic and political rhetoric long enough to say something with (iron).

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Posted at 8:15 AM, Pacific

My interview with Victor Davis Hanson is posted at Radioblogger.

Key quote:
"I really think that most people in their gut understand that if Al Gore had been president in 2000, or John Kerry in 2004, we would have followed the EU model, and we would have seen things like Madrid and London to come, because that model doesn' not workable. The idea that you're not going to address the two root problems that we have, one is terrorism, and the lack of democracy in the Middle East. And for all the caricatures of George Bush's policy, he has an agenda and a goal to democratize, and to kill the killers, and then to be vigilant at home. And that three-pronged strategy is the only thing that will work. It's not perfect, but it's the only solution
On Rove and situation; When are they going to figure out that they (being the dems and reports in msm) were had by Rove and the truth.

He was telling the truth all along. It appears they were trying to undermine him or the Bush administration from the onset. (of course that is a no brainer on my part, they have tried with everything to do that.)

Once again, they are wrong and they know it. But old left theory is, if you tell a lie often enough and long enough, it will eventually be thought of as truth. And they have the capacity to do that with msm. Thank God the blogs and Fox News are here now.

Keep up the good work, and if little ole me can help in any way by passing news on down the line, then that's what I'll do.
Rove E-Mailed Security Official About Interview
ReutersKarl Rove testified to a grand jury that he learned the identity of a CIA operative from journalists.More Coverage: · Agent's Husband Criticizes Rove· Graphic: Timeline of LeakWatch Broadband Video: Bush Mum on Rove Wilson on the 'Fair Game' QuoteTalk About It: Post Thoughts
WASHINGTON (July 16) - After mentioning a CIA operative to a reporter, Bush confidant Karl Rove alerted the president's No. 2 security adviser about the interview and said he tried to steer the journalist away from allegations the operative's husband was making about faulty Iraq intelligence.
The July 11, 2003, e-mail between Rove and then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley is the first showing an intelligence official knew Rove had talked to Matthew Cooper just days before the Time magazine reporter wrote an article identifying Valerie Plame as a CIA officer.
''I didn't take the bait,'' Rove wrote in an e-mail obtained by The Associated Press, recounting how Cooper tried to question him about whether President Bush had been hurt by the new allegations.
The White House turned the e-mail over to prosecutors, and Rove testified to a grand jury about it last year.
Earlier in the week before the e-mail, Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had written a newspaper opinion piece accusing the Bush administration of twisting prewar intelligence, including a ''highly doubtful'' report that Iraq bought nuclear materials from Niger.
''Matt Cooper called to give me a heads-up that he's got a welfare reform story coming,'' Rove wrote in the e-mail to Hadley.
''When he finished his brief heads-up he immediately launched into Niger. Isn't this damaging? Hasn't the president been hurt? I didn't take the bait, but I said if I were him I wouldn't get Time far out in front on this.''
Frederick Jones, a spokesman for Hadley, now Bush's national security adviser, said he could not comment due to the continuing criminal investigation. Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, said his client answered all the questions prosecutors asked during three grand jury appearances, never invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination or the president's executive privilege guaranteeing confidential advice from aides.
Rove, Bush's closest adviser, turned over the e-mail as soon as prosecutors opened a criminal investigation into who leaked Plame's covert work for the CIA.
"In previous Republican Congresses the fact that a criminal investigation was under way did not prevent extensive hearings from being held."-Nancy Pelosi
He later told a grand jury the e-mail was consistent with his recollection that his intention in talking with Cooper that Friday in July 2003 wasn't to divulge Plame's identity but to caution Cooper against certain allegations Plame's husband was making, according to legal professionals familiar with Rove's testimony.
They spoke only on condition of anonymity because of the secrecy of the grand jury investigation.
Rove sent the e-mail shortly before leaving the White House early for a family vacation that weekend, already aware that another journalist he had talked with, syndicated columnist Robert Novak, was planning an article about Plame and Wilson.
Rove also knew that then-CIA Director George Tenet planned later that same day to issue a dramatic statement that took responsibility for some bad Iraq intelligence but that also called into question some of Wilson's assertions, the legal sources said.
The AP reported Thursday that Rove acknowledged to the grand jury that he talked about Plame with both Cooper and Novak before they published their stories but that he originally learned about the operative's identity from the news media, not government sources.
Republicans cheered the latest revelations Friday, saying they showed Rove wasn't trying to hurt Plame but instead was trying to informally warn reporters to be cautious about some of Wilson's claims.
''What it says is, Karl Rove wasn't the leaker, he was actually the recipient of the information not the provider,'' Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman said on Fox News. ''So there are probably a lot of folks in Washington who have prejudged this, who have rushed to judgment who are trying to smear Karl Rove.''
Democrats, however, said that even if Rove wasn't the leaker, someone still divulged Plame's identity and possibly violated the law.
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders asked Speaker Dennis Hastert on Friday to let Congress hold hearings into the controversy regardless of the criminal probe now under way.
''In previous Republican Congresses the fact that a criminal investigation was under way did not prevent extensive hearings from being held on other, much less significant matters,'' Pelosi wrote.
Federal law prohibits government officials from divulging the identity of an undercover intelligence officer. But in order to bring charges, prosecutors must prove the official knew the officer was covert and nonetheless knowingly outed his or her identity.
Rove's conversations with Novak and Cooper took place just days after Wilson suggested in his opinion piece in The New York Times that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was used to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.
Summarizing a trip he made to Africa on behalf of the CIA, Wilson wrote that he'd concluded it was highly doubtful the nation of Niger had sold uranium yellowcake to Iraq. Tenet issued a lengthy statement five days later saying that he never should have allowed Bush to use the Niger information in his State of the Union address but that Wilson's report did not resolve whether Iraq was seeking uranium from abroad.
07-16-05 06:24 EDT
I have copied and posted this article from the Fox News link because I wanted to go on record to make a comment about it.
"Molesters Often Strike Again" by Catherine Donaldson-Evans

We have candy coated the reality behind this article and all of its terrible horrors that these animals have brought on many children in our country as well as the world. I don't have a footnote for the following statistics, so if anyone can prove them wrong and can enhance them, then please do so, either way it's not pretty.

3 out of every five people around you right now experienced some form of sexual child abuse.
approx 98% of current, known pedophile were themselves abused.
99.9% of pedophile will perpetrate again.

We make better use of statistics in our nuclear plants, our stock market and our business'.
The question arises as to what value should a society put on it's children and their well being.
An age old analogy from a very reliable source says, "if a wise man knew that the thief was coming then he would bind up his doors and not allow the thief in..."

We have know for years that the thief cometh. We are not very wise. We can gain in wisdom by learning from our past mistakes at the least. We can start by telling the truth even when the truth hurts, or makes us feel uncomfortable. We can have a voice and make it heard.

For too long we have listened to the "left", the "activist", and the MSM (main stream media) and have been fed only bits and pieces of the truth. We have been presented, in the name of human rights, a handful of useless and absurd tactics to deal with these, (what msm might call them), wayward or misguided individuals. It is high time that people begin to speak out to those in charge and that make critical decisions. Call them what they are, criminals. Stop candy coating every piece of news about them. They are abusers. They would like to take your child if they could and would if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or, Like Jessica, laying in her own bed in her own house. Sad isn't it. Maybe the criminal was in the wrong place, maybe that's the problem. Maybe if he had been kept locked away along with the man in Idaho or the other countless child horror story perpetrators then we may not have nearly as many sad stories of missing and murdered and abused children to report.
"...The wise man knew the thief was coming..."
Molesters Often Strike Again
Saturday, April 16, 2005
By Catherine Donaldson-Evans

Fast Facts: Sex Offender Registries

Sex Offender Charged in Iowa Girl's Death

Body ID'd as Missing Iowa Girl

Suspected Child Abductor in Police Custody

Who Are the Sex Offenders Next Door?

Lunsford Suspect Charged With Murder

Cops Find Body of Missing Florida Girl

Couey Still Person of Interest in Lunsford Case

Cops Seek Sex Offender in Lunsford Case

Jessica Lunsford (search) and Jetseta Gage (search): two young girls recently kidnapped, molested and killed, allegedly by convicted, registered sex offenders who had served time and were back in the community.
Criminologists say it’s all too frequent that the perpetrator in such cases is a pathological sexual predator, as is true of Jessica’s alleged killer in Florida, John Evander Couey (search), and Roger Paul Bentley (search), who Iowa police say murdered Jetseta.
“It happens all the time,” said Louis B. Schlesinger, a forensic psychologist specializing in criminal behavior and sex crimes at John J. College of Criminal Justice (search) in New York. “The dangerous ones have a high recidivism rate.”
According to data from the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (search), there are 381,967 entries for sex offenders in the NCIC Sex Offender Registration File — though not all states require sex offenders to be registered in the same way and some offenders are entered into the database for more than one state.
The Jessica Lunsford case so outraged her Florida community that a state representative, Charles Dean, said he’s introducing a bill called the "Jessica Lunsford Act" that would, among other things, require convicted sex offenders to wear electronic tracking devices.
“It’s a matter of us doing the job right. We need to find the loopholes, find the cracks,” Dean told FOX News.
The reason many convicted sex offenders go out and molest more children, say sociologists and criminologists, is similar to why alcoholics continue to drink.
“Their sexual preference is for children. They have a compulsion to molest children,” said Keith F. Durkin, a criminologist at Ohio Northern University (search) and an expert in the study of pedophilia. “Many, if not all, will molest children until the day they die. They’re dangerous and they’re going to reoffend.”
But there aren’t accurate numbers about the rate of recidivism among child molesters, since many of their repeat offenses go unreported.
Not only are they almost certain to continue sexually abusing children, but some eventually kill their young victims — more often than not for the purpose of keeping them quiet.
“Usually it’s to cover up the crime so the victim won’t say who he is,” Schlesinger said.
Nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford was snatched from her bedroom last month by a drug-addled Couey, police said. Couey was staying with relatives in a trailer just across from where Jessica lived with her father and grandparents in Citrus County (search), Fla. After holding her for a few days and sexually assaulting her, police said Couey, 46, killed the little girl and buried her body only a few hundred yards from her house. The coroner ruled that Jessica died by asphyxiation.
Bentley, 37, is accused of abducting 10-year-old Jetseta from her home in Cedar Rapids (search), Iowa, last week and killing her. Her cause of death also was found to be asphyxiation, and authorities said there was evidence the mentally challenged girl had been molested. Bentley’s brother James Bentley, whom Jetseta’s mother dated five years ago, also allegedly sexually abused Jetseta and is in jail awaiting trial on those charges.
It’s unlikely that there’s any sort of chain reaction element to such sexual crimes against children, according to experts.
“The copycat value and the deterrent of being caught have minimal impact,” said Jeffrey Ian Ross, a criminologist at the University of Baltimore (search). “It’s not a crime in which reason prevails.”
But a number of sex offenders do know they can’t be trusted around kids. Couey reportedly was so aware of his problem that he’d pleaded for help in the past, saying he was a danger to children because he couldn’t stop himself from sexually abusing them. That compulsion is what makes it next to impossible to “cure” chronic child molesters.
“They’re basically untreatable,” Schlesinger said. “They’re predatory, compulsive, repetitive offenders. These are very dangerous people, aroused by children. That’s part of their sexuality. It’s very, very difficult to change that.”
In spite of that reality, many still are only serving fractions of their sentences — which often are light to begin with.
“The bottom line is that almost all these offenders will get out because they don’t have any laws barring them from getting out,” Schlesinger said. “They’re allowed back in the community because the court system is following the law.”
That’s why parents and others in the community frequently are helpless to bring about any real change to prevent children from falling prey to molesters living in the area.
“The public is getting increasingly upset when this happens,” Ross said, “but they feel their hands are tied.” People can take action by writing letters to local newspapers and Congress, he said.
Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (search), said the existing legislation is a good start but needs to be beefed up — especially since authorities usually must rely on the offenders themselves to notify them of who and where they are.
Megan’s Law (search) requires all 50 states to register sex offenders but leaves the details up to the individual states. The burden generally is on the offenders to register themselves and alert officials when they move. The sex offender registries are available online and provide basic information about and photographs of those in the database.
“States should be more active in notification,” Allen told FOX News. “We think the Web sites are great, but that’s not enough. Megan’s Law ought to be strengthened in every state.”
In the meantime, he said, parents need to take advantage of the resources already available to them and talk with their children so they know where they are and who they’re with.
“Every parent needs to go to these Web sites and find out who the registered sex offenders are in their community,” Allen told FOX.
Ross believes cases such as Jessica’s and Jetseta’s could have an impact on legislation if there’s enough public reaction to elicit federal, rather than state, sponsorship of a tougher law.
He predicted that at the very least, the conditions for releasing and paroling jailed sex offenders will tighten as a result of the murders of Jessica, Jetseta and other children in similar situations.
“There may well be a strong enough backlash,” Ross said. “These kinds of cases have enormous repercussions. They tug at the heartstrings of most Americans who have children.”
But others are more skeptical that any real progress will be made in controlling the problem of convicted sex offenders committing more crimes against children.
“There will be a call for increased monitoring that will then fall by the wayside,” said university criminologist Durkin, who believes convicted child molesters should be placed in special communities just for them. “But we have to take a close look at these repetitive sex offenders as a country. When we’re putting them in the community, we’re putting children at risk.”

FOX News' Heather Nauert and Martha MacCallum contributed to this report.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hello Blogosphere,
I have just entered this arena for the first time. I recently completed Hugh Hewitt's book, "BLOG Understanding the information reformation that's changing your world", and I must say that it was a great read for me. While reading, I introduced myself to many of the top blogger sites. ie Instapundit, Andrew Sullivan, Hugh Hewitt etc. I was most fascinated by such a vast world that existed with-in my reach and had never realized it.

I am just an ordinary fellow that have thought for years that MSM was way too left of where most Americans were. I discussed it mainly in family forums, my Sunday school class and among a few friends. When Fox News came along, I really could hardly believe what I was hearing. It truly was a breath of fresh air. I told everyone to tune into Fox. It quickly became the news of choice around my house. Even to the point of irritating my wife and kids a little. When I am coaxing the remote from one of my children that has been watching the tube they will sarcastically turn the channel to Fox News and walk away. Well, at least they know what channel its on.

The first time I heard the term "blogger" and realized it, it was during the Kerry/Bush election campaign. I didn't pay it much attention, I just remember wondering briefly what it was.
Then again during the Rathergate deal. (one of the most gratifying events I have witnessed in my life). Then I begin to really wonder what this "blog" thing was all about. Then I ran across Hugh's book. Now I'm here.

Thanks to all of you skilled bloggers that have contributed to a world of news and information that this nation and its people like me have starved for for years. It has been there all the time, its just that no one allowed it to be distributed. Thanks again.